Welcome to Mr. Verhees' Homepage

Hello, my name is Mark Verhees.  I am entering my 16th year at Bert Church High School and am excited to welcome many new and old students.  I have a Bachelors Degree in Science (Biology) and a Bachelors Degree in Education, both from the University of Calgary.

This year I am teaching Biology 20, Biology 30 and Science 9. I am excited to engage in a variety of learning activities with students as we explore a variety of Scientific concepts..

Please visit my workspace and PowerSchool bi-weekly so that you are up to date with your child’s attendance and marks.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at 403-948-3800 email me at mpverhees@rockyview.ab.ca.

Students may seek help in the morning, lunch or after school.

Links to the Program of Studies


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