Welcome to Mr. Jones' Web Page

The 2023/2024 school year is underway and I am excited to for the school year.

This year I will be teaching Science 9, Science 14/10-4, Science 24/20-4, Leadership 9, and Leadership for the 10 to 30 levels. In addition to the courses I teach I am also an advisor to our student leadership team. I am extremly excited for this school year and the hands on learning and enrichment projects that we will be doing at the school this year.

Students can acccess my courses through Microsoft Teams, where they will find all the materials that they need as well as assignments and course outlines.

Students and parents can find all resources, assignments and notes online in the specific course(s) they are enrolled in.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at 403-948-3800 ext. 2887 or by email Mr. R. Jones


PowerSchool Parent How-To Guide: http://bertchurch.rockyview.ab.ca/parents/powerschool

Teacher Tips

You are responsible for your success and if you attend all classes, participate in our activities, discussions, and complete all assignments, you will see success in your courses.

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