School Counsellors at Bert Church

There are 2 School Counsellors at Bert Church  - click their icons to learn more about them

School Groups

Through the year the School Counsellors run groups to help students.  A huge benefit of attending a group is to feel less alone and to practice new skills or ideas with others.

Coping with Anxiety This group is open to anyone who is dealing with a form of anxiety (from generalized anxiety disorder to social phobia and beyond). The program utilizes content from the FRIENDS program, which is approved by the World Health Organization. Participants can expect to learn coping strategies (such as mindfulness, coping step plans, positive self-talk, and more) that will enable them to deal effectively with anxiety.

Chill Zone: - a lunch time support group for high school youth to learn about conflict resolution, creating health relationships, building self-esteem. This group is co-lead with stepping stones and the Boys&Girls club of Airdrie

4th R of Healthy Relationships - support group for girls in grade 9 building on self-esteem, conflict resolution, and  healthy communication. to watch the parent modules.

Wise Guyz – this group is led by our partners a Centre for Sexuality. It is a strengths based support group for boys in grade 9 promoting a safe and healthy passage through pre-teen and adolescent years . if you want to know more.


See your School Counsellor if there is interest in attending any of the above.

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