School Policies

Student Handbook

Please consult our student handbook for clarification for Bert Church High School's Policies and Procedures.

School Council

Welcome parents to BCHS.  Please feel free to be involved in our School Council and our many events held here at the school and among the city.

We invite you to use our Google calendar as way to stay connected with activities or your child(ren).  You may subscribe to this calendar so that you are always up to date on school events.

Attendance Policy

Report Excused Absences! Parents/guardians must phone the school 403-948-3800 to excuse an absence no later than noon of the day following the absence. After this time, the absence will be deemed 'unexcused'. Telephone lines are open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. If calling after office hours select extension 400 to be directed to the answering machine.

It is very important that you contact us when your son or daughter is going to be late or absent. Please call 403-948-3800 and leave the following information:

  1. Your son or daughter's name
  2. Your name
  3. Reason for absence or lateness
  4. Duration of absence or lateness (if known)

Student Absences - Extended Leave Policy

Parents may wish to remove their son or daughter from school for an extended period of time (longer than 3 days) for reasons other than bereavement or illness. Bert Church High School staff does not encourage this practice but in the event that parents make this decision a letter is to be provided to our Principal, Mr. R. Reed (Mr. R. Reed) outlining the reason for the absence.

It should be noted that teachers are under NO obligation to provide additional work or tutoring for work covered during time missed, as this is a parental choice.

Refer to the individual teacher course outlines for details on how missed work and/or tests will be handled. Students are expected to be in attendance for all major exams, including end of semester exams in January and June. Parents are discouraged from removing students from school at this time.

Electronics Policy

At Bert Church High School we support and encourage the use of multiple technologies to enhance, strengthen and diversify education.  To that end we will allow students to use those technologies in class at the discretion of the presiding teacher.  If any of those technologies serve to distract students from their studies over time, we will seek to further educate, structure and communicate with both the students and parents.

Teachers may, if needed confiscate a technological tool if it is used inappropriately for non-educational means. (for example:  social media, games, movies, texting, phoning, overall distraction, etc.).

Response from teacher to issues concerning technology in class:

1.  Teacher will address if there is a use issue in the classroom around technology.

2.  If a teacher confiscates the technology, the device will be returned to the student at the end of the day or class.

3.  If the distraction persists a discipline notice will incur and a discussion with


In addition to using their devices responsibly, students (and, by extension, their parents) are responsible for safeguarding and caring for their devices. While teachers and administrators will remain watchful and attempt to mediate any disputes arising over the loss, theft, or damage of electronic devices on school property, they are ultimately the property and responsibility of the student.




Identification Card Policy

  • All students, staff, and visitors will be issued an official identification card.
  • All Bert Church High School Students are expected to have their person this identification card.
  • Staff members are expected to wear their ID cards at all times.
  • The front of the ID card must not be marked or altered. Defaced cards will be confiscated and replaced at the student's cost.
  • Students may personalize the back of their card providing it conforms to school standards in regards to language and content.
  • Identification cards are not transferable.
  • Students utilizing another student's card will face serious disciplinary consequences.
  • Students who forget their card will be issued a second ID card at no cost.
  • Students may be issued a new ID card for a cost of $5.00. This can be paid cash or be put on the student's outstanding fee account.
  • Students with worn or damaged cards may be issued a complimentary card at the discretion of an administrator.
  • Various school activities will require the presentation of an ID tag such as purchasing dance tickets, signing out library books, using the computer, final examinations during exam periods, etc.

Emergency School Closure Policy

In compliance with Board policy, the attached list of procedures will be followed in the case of emergency school closure and cancellation of bus service.

RVS Inclement Weather

Emergency Response

Bert Church Student Parking

All students using the public parking areas at Bert Church High School are required to register their vehicle and display a valid parking pass in their vehicle. Parking forms are available in the office Please ensure your vehicle has a valid parking pass displayed in your vehicle at all times or your vehicle may be subject to be towed.

Student Dress

School Board policy requires that "All students conform to reasonable standards of dress and grooming. Extreme styles or obscene styles are unacceptable in our schools". Principals have the authority to require any student to be sent home and change to more suitable garb before being re-admitted to class. The following school policy is drawn to the attention of students and parents:

  1. Shoes must be worn at all times for reasons of health and safety.
  2. Jackets, coats, hats, and outdoor footwear should not be worn to class but should be stored in the locker.
  3. Clothing or buttons with obscene or otherwise distasteful slogans or sayings printed on them are unacceptable.
  4. Physical education dress is required - shorts, T-shirt, socks, and running shoes. Sweat or jogging suits are also acceptable.
  5. Midriff or back will not be exposed at a regular standing or sitting position.
  6. Undergarments must not be visible.
  7. Garments worn to school must meet standards of length, i.e. they may not be shorter than the tips of the fingers when arms are held straight at the sides of the body.
  8. NO hats or bandanas are to be worn in the building.
  9. Some classes may have, for safety or health reasons, specific dress requirements that must be followed.
  10. Shorts and sandals are not permitted in shop classes or food prep classes for saftey reasons.
  11. No chains or spiked clothing are permitted.
Document Actions
Late Bus Alerts
School Cash Online

School Cash

Pay School Fees Here