Career & Scholarships

Next Steps after High School: Career, Training, Post Secondary

Here is where you will find all of the helpful links and information for your next steps after high school graduation.

Self Assessment

Who Am I? You are unique: Get to know yourself! Self-assessments can assist you to learn more about your interests, skills, and abilities, personality style, values, favourite subjects and positive experiences. Career Quizzes are not meant to tell you what you should do for a Career. Career Quizzes help you get started and provide you with guide posts of things to consider.

Career Values Assessment
Values are things that are most important to you – in your life and career. They are things you care strongly about. A career choice based on your values is more likely to be better than one based on other people’s recommendations.

Work Values Quiz
Your values are important clues to what kind of work and work conditions you would like. The Work Values Quiz can help you determine your work motivations, your preferred work setting, how you like to interact with others, and your work style

Work Personality
A test to help guide you towards a career best suited for your personality.

Take the Interests Quiz to rank how interested you are in the tasks related to work
This is a 10 minute quiz.

Employability Skills
Match your skills and knowledge to different careers

Complete at least one of the following self-assessments to learn more about your personality style. Enter your findings on your Personal Profile.

Work Values
Gain some insight about what motivates you at work, your preferred work setting, how you like to interact with others and your work style.

The Big Five Personality Test
This test measures what many psychologists consider to be the five fundamental dimensions of personality: Openness to Experience/Intellect; Concientiousness; Extraversion; Agreeableness; Neuroticism

Type Focus
To learn more about yourself, you can take our proven personality questionnaire. Find out whether you are an extravert or an introvert and what that means to your career choices.

Careers matching School Subjects
You have a subject that you enjoy - what kinds of jobs could you do with post secondary education in that area. Search by subject and by level of education to see matching occupations.


This is a powerful Canadian database for exploring possible careers and post secondary training that is needed to achieve your dreams. SCHOOL ACTIVATION KEY: bertchurch Every student who has a school email already has a MyBlueprint account. Simply click login - school account log in and type in your school email and your school id as your password.


Career Investigation Report

A career investigation report can be a component of the student selection process in some post-secondary programs. Your Career Investigation report should be contain information that would convince a selection committee that you have researched the occupation you hope to study.

Career Investigation ReportCareer Investigation Report

Bert Church After High School . . . Now What?

January 2022 A new website was developed with the focus of exploring what to do after high school. Post secondary, Apprenticeship, Intentional GAP year, and scholarships.

Before clicking the link below, you must be signed into your @rvschools account.
After High School....Now What? 

Educational success is realized when you know what you want from your education and where you can get it. Because there are many high-quality academic, technical and career education options in Alberta and across Canada, you need to be informed in order to make the best choice.

Time to Choose A Post-Secondary Education Program
This book will help student choose between full-time or part-time studies, evaluate various programs and assess the institutions that offer them. This free resource is available online or the print version is available in the Career Centre.

ALIS Tip Sheet - Choosing a Post-Secondary Institution
ALIS is a great place to get career planning information. There are one page tip sheets as well.

Choosing a Post-Secondary Program (Canada)
Choosing the right program to follow can be a challenging task. The information and resources on this page are designed to help you select a program that’s right for you.

40 Questions To Ask College/University Reps
These are a few sample questions you could ask recruiters at the Post-Secondary event you are attending.

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.