
School Fees

Every spring, schools have the opportunity to review their school fees and submit proposed increases to the Board of Trustees for the following year. This school year, the Board has provided the following school fee guidelines for the 2025-26 school year:
  • No increase to any optional course fees greater than $10.00 or 5%
  • No school-wide blanket optional course fee increase
  • No new alternative program fees for Programs of Choice
Attached are the proposed school fee increase for 2025-26 school year. In alignment with the Board's direction, we have been selective and have only proposed increases where necessary to support the program and its consumables. 

Fees approved by the Rocky View Schools Board of Trustees are posted in the annual fee listing below:

School fees

Please Note: For field trips, team, clubs, etc. RVS will only invoice families based on the actual costs of incurred. For optional course fees, applicable revenues and expenses are to be tracked for each course for which a fee has been established.

At the end of each school year, if revenues exceed expenses by more than $25 per student enrolled in the course, the school shall refund the surplus funds to the parents of each student.


All student fees are attached to School Cash Online and this is the preferred method of payment.  This platform is very secure and allows you to access your account at any time to make payments, print receipts, receive notification of events and fundraisers as well as reference historical information relating to your account.  We encourage you to "Get Registered" as soon as possible so that you can stay connected and informed.  Please use these instructions to register.

If registration is not possible, we can accept payments using debit, credit or cash at the school office during regular business hours.  If you require a copy of your invoice or have any questions or concerns regarding your account please contact Carol Twomey @ (403) 948-3800 Ext. 2804 or send an email to:  ctwomey@rockyview.ab.ca.

School Fees

School Fee invoices will be sent out via email about Sept. 20th once all student timetables have been settled and any changes complete.  We ask that fees for first semester and full year courses be paid by Nov. 1st.

Semester 2 begins February 1st and we always have a few course changes at that time.  These changes will be completed within the first week and we then ask that the balance of fees be paid on March 1st.

Note:  School Cash Online shows a DUE DATE of June 30th for each fee item.  This is NOT the due date for the payment but rather an END DATE for the payment to still be available for you to pay up until.  If this date is changed you would no longer be able to pay online.

Waivers and Refunds

Every school has a waiver and refund process. Upon receipt by the school principal of Form AF5105-AWaiver Application parents of students who provide a copy of Goods and Services Tax (GST) credit notice with the names of dependent children listed, will qualify to have their fees waived. Waiver is applicable only to School Established Optional Course Fees. The deadline for submission of Form AF5105-A Waiver Application to the school principal is June 30th of the current school year. School principals are responsible for the establishment of a refund procedure for students who are enrolled for a portion of the school year.

AF5105-A Waiver Application

AF5105-F Transportation Fee Waiver Application Form is submitted through School Engage to RockyView Schools.

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.